Retail Education Certification Program

Retail Education - Certification

Retail Council of Canada has designed Canada’s only professional retail designations. These widely recognized industry certifications assure employers their staff is fully qualified and give sales associates and managers retail-specific credentials that will advance their careers.

FoodWise Food Safety Certification

The Food Safety Certification Program was developed for and continues to be used by the retail food industry for the certification of owner-operators, store managers, department managers and other key retail employees. The program provides employee training programs that include temperature control, food handling practices, cleaning and sanitizing procedures and more.

Certified Retail Sales Associate

Designed to help individuals working in the retail industry to be effective retail sales associates. Topics include professionalism, customers, stores and products, company asset protection and workplace safety.

Certified First Level Manager

An employee development course designed to help individuals working in the industry to become more effective First Level Managers. Topics include professionalism, communication, leadership, HR, operations, marketing, sales, customer service, administration, planning and more.