For members with stores in Manitoba: Government Announces Climate and Green Plan - Retail Council of Canada

For members with stores in Manitoba: Government Announces Climate and Green Plan

The Manitoba provincial government released its Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan on October 27, 2017, which is built on the strategic pillars of climate, jobs, water and nature, and includes16 keystones for priority action.

The province is inviting those interested in providing their feedback to complete a survey. The questionnaire and plan are available at:

Carbon Pricing:
The plan sets out Manitoba’s approach to carbon pricing, that features a $25 a tonne carbon dioxide levy (five cents for each litre of gasoline), that will remain fixed through 2022. The levy is expected to go into effect mid-2018. The rate initially exceeds the Federally established standards ($10 a tonne in 2018 / $20 a tonne in 2019), however will fall short of the national standards in the following three years as the rate grows to $50 a tonne by 2022. The Federal Environment Minister has expressed her expectations that Manitoba will need to adjust their rate in 2020.

The plan confirms exemptions for agricultural emissions and allows for large industrial emitters to participate in an output based pricing system of performance standards, offsets and credit trading.

Enhanced Waste Diversion Programs
The Climate and Green Plan also calls for expanded organic and non-organic waste diversion efforts. No timelines have been communicated, however some potentially contentious issues RCC will be addressing, include:

Waste Emissions – Organic
The report indicates that considerations include:
• Implement a landfill disposal ban on organic materials.
• Work with food processors, grocers, hotels, restaurants and other stakeholders to promote best composting practices and provide supports and incentives, research, training and market development.
• Increase the Waste Reduction and Recycling Support landfill levy and use the revenue to support compost facilities.
• Develop a comprehensive food waste reduction and prevention initiative, in partnership with other jurisdictions and key community groups.
• Pursue measures to mitigate methane emissions and enhance methane gas capture at landfills.
• Recycle non-organic materials, especially those containing ozone-depleting substances, is also critical to cutting our carbon footprint and creating sustainable communities.

Waste Emissions – Non-Organic
To enhance diversion of non-organic waste from landfills, considerations include:
• Expand the household hazardous material Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program to include ozone-depleting substances and other halocarbon cylinders, single-use pressurized containers, foam insulation and refillable propane tanks, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, medical sharps and veterinary products.
• Establish new EPR programs for appliances with refrigerants (e.g., fridges, air conditioners, water coolers) and small appliances.
• Implement landfill disposal bans on materials currently managed by product stewardship organizations, starting with electronic waste, batteries, tires, household hazardous waste, beverage containers and cardboard boxes.
• Introduce measures to increase the diversion of construction, renovation and demolition waste such as wood and shingles.

Next Steps:

• RCC has met with Manitoba Sustainable Development and will continue to follow the consultation process.
• RCC will request a meeting Minister Rochelle Squires to outline retail industry viewpoint on waste diversion programs (industry lead, harmonization, results focused).
• RCC will reach out to other business stakeholders to ensure we share our concerns about the broad proposals.

RCC will forward additional materials as they become available.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact: John Graham, Director, Government Relations (Prairie Region) at 204.926.8624 or