Alberta to lift nearly all COVID-19 restrictions on July 1, 2021
June 22, 2021
On Canada Day, Alberta will become the first province in Canada to lift nearly all public health restrictions related to the pandemic.
Alberta’s key vaccination and hospitalization thresholds have been achieved and the two-week countdown has begun.
Removals of public health restrictions include all capacity and physical distancing rules, service closures, enhanced cleaning requirements, directional arrows, and a range of other health requirements that have guided retail and other sectors over the past 15 months, as well as current limits on indoor and outdoor gatherings.
Businesses are being asked to retain measures appropriate to ensure that employees stay home when they are ill.
The general indoor provincial mask mandate will also be lifted, but several municipalities, including Edmonton and Calgary, are debating extensions of masking bylaws. RCC will monitor the developments over coming days.

For questions or more information contact
John Graham
Director, Government Relations (Prairies)
204 926-8624