B.C. bans second generation anti-coagulant rodenticides
July 21, 2021BC Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy George Heyman announced he has issued a ministerial order temporarily restricting the sale and use of second generation anti-coagulant rodenticides (any rodenticides containing brodifacoum, bromadiolone, or difethialone). The order also limits who can apply the rodenticides; requires record keeping relating to use and sale of these items, and, requires proper disposal of the products.
The sale of these products to ineligible customers must be stopped immediately. Commercial sales must be limited to only those eligible to use these products: an essential service with a certified structural or agricultural pesticide applicator on staff; a licensed pest control company; or an agricultural operation. (There are exemptions for use in food settings such as grocery, convenience stores, other food retailers and restaurants in that they are still required to have a certified pesticide applicator.) The ministerial order is in effect from July 21, 2021 to January 20, 2023, inclusive. While the order is in effect, the ministry will conduct a scientific review to make recommendations for the future.
The government has a web site available where vendors and licensed applicators can find information including a pre-taped information webinar, recommendations of alternate products, conditions surrounding the sale to those entitled to use the products, and, information regarding who is still allowed to use these products. In addition, there will be tailored webinars for vendors and applicators beginning the first week of August. (Members can email BC.IMP@gov.ca to register for these webinars.)
The ministerial order results from concerns expressed about the impacts these rodenticides have upon wildlife.

For questions or more information contact
Avery Bruenjes
Director, Regulatory Affairs