B.C. flooding impacts continue to affect transit of goods and retailers’ supplies, state of emergency extended until December 14, 2021 - Retail Council of Canada
British Columbia | Health & Safety | Supply Chain & Logistics

B.C. flooding impacts continue to affect transit of goods and retailers’ supplies, state of emergency extended until December 14, 2021

December 1, 2021

Over the last two weeks, the flooding in B.C. has caused numerous washouts that have resulted in challenges to the transportation of goods. While repairs to various transportation systems are underway, backlogs, and more limited options of transportation routes will continue to impact members for several weeks and months.

Due to the ongoing impacts of highway closures and continued severe weather, B.C.’s state of emergency has been extended until December 14, 2021.

Temporary restrictions on fuel will also be extended until December 14, 2021. Essential vehicles, including commercial transport trucks for critical goods and services, refrigerated trucks, and grocery delivery are not subject to the fuel restrictions.

The most severe storm yet is projected to on Tuesday evening, November 30, 2021. Special weather statements are in effect for Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, Squamish to Whistler, and the Sunshine Coast extending into the middle of the week. This continues to be an evolving situation. As we move into the third week, please let us know what information and support is most useful in the medium and long term. This includes what information you receive from RCC and what you would like RCC to ask on your behalf to the provincial and federal governments.

For questions or more information contact

Avery Bruenjes
Director, Regulatory Affairs