B.C. investigation into repeat offenders and violent crime releases recommendations - Retail Council of Canada
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B.C. investigation into repeat offenders and violent crime releases recommendations

September 27, 2022

RCC and members met with B.C.’s Attorney-General and Minister of Public Safety in early May 2022, to highlight our concern about the violence impacting retail businesses. The Ministers referred RCC to an expert panel considering the question of violence in communities. Those experts have now released a summary of their report and the recommendations.

While pleased that the report takes note of retail concerns about the escalation of violence impacting retail, RCC is disappointed that there is not a recommendation that a retail/business liaison position be created to provide a single point of contact for retailers to raise concerns about crime, nor any recommendation with respect to the Province to advocate for amendments to the Criminal Code.

RCC and members will continue to engage with government on this critical issue.

For questions or more information contact

Avery Bruenjes
Director, Regulatory Affairs