B.C. proposes Employment Standards Expansion to precarious (gig/app-based) workers
August 9, 2023Earlier this month, the B.C. Ministry of Labour published an intentions paper to impose employment standards and other protections for app-based ride-hail and food-delivery workers. The intentions paper asks for consultation input on several subjects:
- What should the minimum wage be for these workers and how should it be structured?
- How should workers be compensated for work-related expenses?
- Should these workers have a form of tip protection?
- What should the pay transparency standards be prior to a worker’s acceptance of an assignment?
- Should there be a destination transparency standard and how can that be designed?
- What should the minimum standards be for complaint investigation, suspension and deactivation processes?
- Should app-based workers be entitled to notice of termination, or compensation in-lieu?
- Should all of these workers be covered by workers compensation paid by the app-based platform companies.
Government requested feedback by September 30, 2023. RCC will submit a consultation response with impacted members if they request one.

For questions or more information contact
Greg Wilson
Director, Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs