B.C. releases hazardous waste regulation consultation report
February 28, 2023The B.C. Government plans to update its Hazardous Waste Regulation in Spring 2023. The government held consultations in the Spring and Summer of 2021 in regard to an Intentions Paper they had published earlier in 2021. The Summary of Feedback Report provides details of stakeholder input and government response to that input. In the main, the discussion concerns the transport of moderate-risk wastes (waste automotive oil, oil-based paint, lead-acid batteries, lithium and lithium-ion batteries, and unused gasoline) from institutional, public, and commercial sources.
The changes proposed in the Intentions Paper surround: (a) storing moderate-risk wastes at return collection facilities (these are facilities that collect from generators of waste such as the public or small businesses); and, (b) transporting moderate-risk wastes from return collection facilities to hazardous waste facilities.
For questions or more information contact
Greg Wilson
Director, Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs