Employers in Quebec to get more approved PPE options
November 5, 2020
As a result of pressure from RCC that highlighted the economic, environmental, and supply concerns related to the current mask regulations in Quebec for workers, the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) announced a program that will offer employers more choice.
The CNESST program will regulate how non-medical disposable or reusable face coverings, that will be permissible to be worn in workplaces, are made. Compliant products will be identifiable by a distinctive attestation mark. The new approved face coverings are scheduled to be available in December 2020.
Currently, disposable medical masks are required when employees cannot respect social distancing when they work (see guidance from l’INSPQ and CNESST).
For details, see the press release (in French only)