Health Canada updates webpage on infant formula supply for Fall 2023 - Retail Council of Canada
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Health Canada updates webpage on infant formula supply for Fall 2023

October 24, 2023

Health Canada has announced that as part of the strategy to mitigate shortages of infant formula and other foods for a special dietary purpose, it will be extending the Interim policy on the importation and sale of infant formulas, human milk fortifiers, and dietary products for the treatment of inborn errors of metabolism to mitigate shortages. A full list of formula reviewed by Health Canada is available here and will be updated.

Health Canada will initiate public consultation on the modernization of the regulations for infant formula and other foods for a special dietary purpose in Fall 2023. Interested members are encouraged to sign up for Health Canada’s Stakeholder Registry for nutrition related updates. RCC will continue to engage with Health Canada on this issue.

For questions or more information contact

Avery Bruenjes
Director, Regulatory Affairs