Manitoba budget investing in recovery
April 8, 2021
The Manitoba government has released its Budget 2021-22, featuring several programs designed to support business recovery.
More than $62 million has been allocated to help businesses retrain employees and develop e-commerce platforms. In addition, a $25 million youth and summer jobs program will be announced shortly. Payroll tax thresholds have also been modestly reduced. As of December 1, 2021, online marketplaces will be required to start collecting provincial sales tax on items sold by third parties, following similar practices in a growing number of other jurisdictions. The government has also committed to a comprehensive tax review as long advocated for by RCC. Manitoba’s economic outlook indicates a strong rebound in 2021 with real GDP rising 4.1% followed by 3.6% real growth in 2022.

For questions or more information contact
John Graham
Director, Government Relations (Prairies)
204 926-8624