RCC-OQLF partnership renewed in Quebec - Retail Council of Canada
Independent Retailers | Independent Retailers News | Quebec | Store Operations

RCC-OQLF partnership renewed in Quebec

April 12, 2022

RCC has renewed its partnership with the Office de la langue française (OQFL) for a third year and will produce a variety of tools to educate retailers doing business in Quebec on good language practises. In this regard, with the imminent adoption of Bill 96: An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec (still under review), please do not hesitate to contact RCC’s team in Quebec to see about a personalized assessment if your firm is working within the framework of MÉMO – Mon assistant pour la francisation, in support of businesses of 50 employees or less.

Please send any questions or requests to Valérie Guille at: vguille@cccd-rcc.org

For questions or more information contact

Apraham Niziblian
Director, Government Relations and Public Affairs (Quebec)