Retailers urged to keep reinforcing safety measures
October 29, 2020
As we enter our busiest retail season and consumers continue to be concerned about rising COVID-19 cases, it is more important than ever to ensure measures are in place to keep customers and employees safe.
Retailers and other businesses across the country are joining the POST Promise to help reinforce confidence and protect Canadians. POST Promise/Promesse APRES is a national, bilingual private sector-led initiative designed to help Canadians confidently and safely shop and work in local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each week hundreds of thousands of Canadians shop or work at businesses which have made the POST Promise.
Businesses who “make the promise” commit to implementing the five key actions, developed in consultation with the Public Health Agency of Canada, that will help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Participating businesses are able to display the POST Promise/Promesse APRES logo – a national symbol that acts as a clear indication they are doing their part to protect their customers’ and employees’ health and safety.
Retail Council of Canada is a founding member of POST (People Outside Safely Together”), which now represents more than 100,000 businesses across Canada.
To be a part of this national movement visit