Saskatchewan announces new masking and vaccination requirements
September 20, 2021With COVID cases and hospitalizations at a pandemic high, Saskatchewan has introduced new province wide measures, including the reintroduction of mandatory masks for all public indoor spaces, and a new proof of vaccination requirement for several sectors, not including retail.
Mandatory mask requirement resumes Friday:
As of Friday, September 17 mandatory masks will once again be required for all indoor settings, including retail stores. The Health Order is expected to be similar to prior mask mandates, with an expectation that retailers remind non-complying customers of the mandatory mask requirement using signage and verbal reminders, however, they will not be expected to act as enforcement agents.
Proof of vaccination requirement to begin October 1:
Effective October 1, 2021, a provincial requirement for proof of vaccination or negative test will be implemented for public access to a list of locations that bring groups of people together, including:
- Indoor dining at restaurants;
- Movie theatres;
- Nightclubs, bars, taverns and other licensed establishments;
- Event and entertainment venues, including conference centres, casinos, , concert venues, live-music venues, museums, and indoor facilities hosting ticketed sporting events; and
- Indoor fitness centres, and gyms.
Proof of vaccination will not be required for the following:
- Retail businesses
- Fast food restaurants offering takeout and delivery;
- Health care services, professional services, or personal services;
- Facilities hosting non-ticketed amateur sporting events;
- Business meetings and places of business closed to the general public, unless otherwise directed by the business or employer; and
- Private gatherings held at an indoor public residence.
Children under the age of 12 are exempt from the proof of vaccination or negative test requirement.
All employers are also being encouraged to consider the introduction of mandatory vaccination or negative testing protocols for their work places.
To facilitate proof of vaccination, Saskatchewan’s verifiable vaccination record will be launched during the week of September 20, 2021. Details including instructional materials on how to download and utilize the platform will be shared by the Ministry of Health prior to the launch of the verifiable vaccination record.

For questions or more information contact
John Graham
Director, Government Relations (Prairies)
204 926-8624