Surrey single-use bylaw to come into effect November 22, 2021, joins Vancouver with reporting requirement - Retail Council of Canada
British Columbia | Plastics and Alternatives | Store Operations | Sustainability

Surrey single-use bylaw to come into effect November 22, 2021, joins Vancouver with reporting requirement

October 22, 2021

As members are aware, the City of Surrey’s single-use bylaw is set to come into effect as of November 22, 2021. RCC would also like to remind members that along with the City of Vancouver (bylaw coming into effect January 1, 2022), Surrey has imposed a reporting requirement where every licence holder must report the number of paper shopping bags and reusable shopping bags it distributed during the previous 12 months, upon request.

Surrey’s reporting requirement is limited to paper and reusable bags, while Vancouver mandates reporting of paper and reusable bags as well as disposable cups (which will have a 25 cent fee as of January 1, 2022). The cup-reporting requirement is waived for each business location participating in a reusable cup-share program. RCC is working to ensure these requirements are as minimally disruptive as possible to business.

For questions or more information contact

Avery Bruenjes
Director, Regulatory Affairs