Scanner Price Accuracy Code FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions by Consumers

What is the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

The Scanner Price Accuracy Code, implemented in June 2002, is a voluntary code to ensure scanner price accuracy for consumers.

This Code applies to all scanned merchandise sold in all participating stores with a Universal Product Code (UPC), bar code, and Price Look-Up (PLU). It does not include price-ticketed items or goods not easily accessible to the public. This code does not apply to retailers in Québec because government has regulated scanner accuracy. For more information, please click here.

Since its creation, over 7,000 stores across Canada have joined the Scanner Price Accuracy Code.

How do I tell whether a store is a part of the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

Click here to see a list of stores that are a part of the Scanner Price Accuracy Code.

If you are unsure about a store, look for a poster/sticker at the door or stickers beside the cash register. Participating stores will have a sticker with information about the code at each cash register.

How do I apply the Scanner Price Accuracy Code to incorrectly scanned items?

If you notice that an item scans incorrectly, you should notify the cashier. Once the cashier is notified, the cashier should follow the store’s procedures in resolving the issue. If the item is applicable for the code, you should either be given the item for free, or $10 off the displayed price.

  • If the display price is less than $10, the customer should receive the item for free. If more than one of the same item is being purchased, the customer receives the first one for free, and subsequent items with the same UPC should be priced according to the display
  • If the display price is more than $10, the customer should receive $10 off the displayed price. If more than one of the same item is being purchased, the customer receives $10 off the first item, and subsequent items with the same UPC should be priced according to the display

You can also contact the store or their customer service department after a purchase has been made. A receipt will be required if you are claiming the Scanner Price Accuracy Code after a completed purchase.

Which products apply to the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

The code applies to all scanned merchandise sold in all participating stores with a Universal Product Code (UPC), bar code, and Price Look-Up (PLU). It does not include price-ticketed items, products for which the law establishes a minimum (or specific) price, or goods not easily accessible to the public. This code does not apply to retailers in Québec because government has regulated scanner accuracy.

Does the Scanner Price Accuracy Code apply to sale items (including clearance items)?

Yes, but only if there is just a UPC on the item. If there is a price tag on the item, it is considered a price- ticketed item and is no longer applicable to the code.

An item has a sale sticker with a price on it. Does this count for the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

No, because it is now considered a price-ticketed item. Price-ticketed items do not apply.

If there is a barcode and price tag on the item, is it still considered for the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

No. If there is a price on the item, it is considered a price-ticketed item and does not apply to the code, even if the item is scanned.

Do gift cards apply to the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

No, because the value of a gift card is directly written on the item, it is considered a price-ticketed item and will not be considered for the code.

There is an expiry date clearly written on the shelf label. If an updated price scans at the cash register instead of the expired price, is it still valid for the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

No, The code does not apply where sale dates are printed on a shelf label or signage and the sale has expired, provided the regular price is on the label or signage.

An item was placed in the wrong place. Can I claim the Scanner Price Accuracy Code on this item?

No. To be eligible for the code, the product must match the product description on the corresponding shelf tag.

If an item does not scan at the cash register, can I claim the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

No, because the item didn’t scan higher than the displayed price. In order for the code to apply, an item would have to scan at a price higher than the displayed price.

There wasn’t a displayed price for an item. Do I get this item for free?

No. If a price isn’t displayed for an item, a customer should ask staff for the price.

Do weighted items apply to the Scanner Price Accuracy Code?

No, only items that are scanned using a Universal Product Code (UPC), bar code, or Price Look-Up (PLU) are valid for the code.

If an item is priced lower in the store’s flyer than on the shelf, and the item scans at the shelf price, does the Scanner Price Accuracy Code apply?

If the flyer specifically says it applies to only certain locations and the location in question is not listed, the code does not apply; however, if the location is listed, it applies. If there is no mention of which stores the flyer is applicable to, it is assumed to be applicable to all stores and the code would apply.

If an item is priced lower online than on the shelf, and the item scans at the shelf price in store, does the Scanner Price Accuracy Code apply?

If the webpage says it applies to only certain locations and the location in question is not listed, the code does not apply; however, if the store is listed, it applies. If there is no mention of which stores the webpage is applicable to, it is assumed to be applicable to all stores and the code would apply.

Does the Scanner Price Accuracy Code apply to gas stations?


Where can I receive more information on the Scanner Price Accuracy Voluntary Code?

A full copy of the code can be found here.

If I am not pleased with a store’s response, who should I contact?

If you are not pleased with a store’s response, they can contact the Scanner Price Accuracy Code Complaints Line: 1-866-499-4599. A third party will determine whether your complaint is a valid scanner price accuracy issue.

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