Health & Safety

Workplace health and safety is a top concern for retailers.

Retail Council of Canada offers customizable health and safety programs to accommodate the different needs of Canada’s diverse retailers. These specialized programs include: health and safety training and consulting services, learning management systems, safety toolkits, networking, and financial rebates.

Key Issues

Product Safety

Recent Updates The importance of product safety in retail Retailers across the country play an integral role in the everyday safety of individuals by ensuring the items we buy are not dangerous. Examples of the ways retailers keep…

Safety Tips from the Government of Canada

Ongoing & relevant safety tips Retailers across the country play an integral role in the everyday safety of individuals by ensuring the items we buy…

Health & Safety News

More Boots on the Ground to Fight Rural Crime 

Attention Alberta retailers, businesses and residents: Rural crime in Alberta is a pressing issue for businesses and residents in the province. In response, the Alberta Government…

Edmonton To Tighten Bear Spray Sales Rules 

Attention retailers who sell bear spray: On July 3, 2024, Edmonton City Council approved changes to regulate the sale of Oleoresin Capsicum Spray Sales (Bear Spray) (item 8.1).…

Health Canada to Overhaul Food Packaging Safety: Input Needed!

Attention all retailers navigating food packaging regulations: Health Canada is revamping its voluntary food packaging evaluation program, aiming for a mandatory chemical safety program by…

Health & Safety Resources


Product Safety and Recall Committee

The Product Safety and Recall Committee is comprised of senior retail professionals with an objective to stay ahead of the curve on key issues and to help shape industry standards. The committee also develops and shares best practices through working groups and gives members the opportunity to be heard by Health Canada officials concerning the issues impacting their businesses most. Join this committee

Ontario: Health & Safety Excellence Program (HSEP)

The HSEP program provides retailers with a network of resources and consultations to reduce injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Together, members pool resources, share best practices and help each other develop and manage effective health and safety programs. Along with improving workplace safety, they can reduce their WSIB premiums and earn financial rebates. Join this committee