Everyday, thousands of Canadians are victims of fraud. One type of frequently reported fraud that is especially concerning to Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and its retail members is gift card fraud. In 2021, $3.8 million dollars in losses were reported due to gift card fraud. Whether it be through tampered cards or unscrupulous fraudsters trying to convince victims to pay with gift cards, we all need to become more aware of the prevailing tactics to help keep each other safe.
Earlier this year, Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and its Loss Prevention Committee has teamed up with the Ontario Provincial Police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre to raise awareness and share resources to mitigate gift card fraud during Fraud Prevention Month in March. We’ve developed posters, display holder cards, stickers, and social media messages that we encourage you to use in your stores and share with your teams and networks. Working together is our best bet to stop this kind of theft before it can happen.
Creative assets
Retailers are encouraged to post these throughout staff rooms and in-store to raise awareness and help mitigate gift card related scams. You can also add your company’s logo at the bottom of these pre-made visuals to show your support for this important initiative.
Information for shoppers in red (8X10)
Info-poster in black (8X10)
Information for cashiers and retailers in white (8X10)
Card rack signs – 4 x 8.5″
For posting on gift card racks.
Posters- 8 x 10″
For posting in staff rooms and throughout store.