

Register New Account

Please use your company email so that we can see if your company is a member or if you are already in our database.

Company Selection

Company Selection

Let’s find your company! Please start typing your company name below and select from the list if available.


Company Details

Tell us about your company

Head Office Business Address

If you have more than one location, please provide your organization’s head office contact information.

Do you have more than one store location?

Personal Details

Tell us about yourself

Your Business Address

If your organization has more than one location, please provide information specific to your office location.

RCC would like your express consent to send you out notices, newsletters, videos and special promotional offers regarding programs and services available through Retail Council of Canada. Please note: You may withdraw consent at any time. You will always have the option of unsubscribing to our emails and/or changing your communication preferences.
