Yukon releases discussion paper on extended producer responsibility - Retail Council of Canada
Sustainability | Yukon

Yukon releases discussion paper on extended producer responsibility

November 8, 2022

Last week, the Government of Yukon released a discussion paper on extended producer responsibility (EPR) for three priority categories:

• printed paper and packaging (PPP),
• household hazardous waste (HHW), and
• automotive wastes such as waste oil and waste antifreeze and their containers.

The government is committed to releasing an EPR regulation by 2025 which would shift the operational and financial responsibility of managing these materials at their end-of-life from municipalities to producers. RCC will be reviewing the paper in the coming weeks and preparing a submission with members. The deadline to provide feedback to government is January 27, 2023.

Kelsey Meyer
Conseillère principale, Programmes de développement durable