Environment Department Releases Draft Regulatory Changes to EPR Programs
May 7, 2024Attention retailers in New Brunswick who manage extended producer responsibility programs: Following almost eighteen months of consultation, the New Brunswick government has outlined the changes it wishes to make to its Designated Materials Regulation – Clean Environment Act (N.B. Regulation 2008-54). These draft regulations cover all extended producer responsibility (EPR), waste diversion programs in the province (e.g. paint, used oil and glycol, packaging and paper products, electronics, beverage containers, pharmaceutical products / medical sharps) . The proposal is to create a common producer hierarchy that would apply to all programs. This would provide greater clarity in determining who is the obligated producer. In addition, the proposed changes would create new EPR programs for batteries and lamps while expanding the current programs for electronics as well as oil and glycol. If approved, the amended regulations would come into effect on January 1, 2026. The draft amendments can be found here.