Manitoba introduces retail liquor bill - Retail Council of Canada
Alcohol | Food and Grocery News | Manitoba

Manitoba introduces retail liquor bill

March 14, 2023

The Manitoba government has introduced a liquor modernizing act that would enable some retail stores to be licensed to sell liquor as part of a five-year pilot project to bring greater convenience and choice to Manitobans.

RCC has consistently advocated for the contents of the Bill, as it would bring Manitoba in line with other Canadian jurisdictions where the sale of liquor in retail stores is permitted. However, opposition may ultimately block the Bill from passing, much to the disappointment of over 70% of Manitobans according to a Probe research study who are supportive of the change. If passed, the types of stores and operational rules would be developed within regulations.

For questions or more information contact

John Graham
Director, Government Relations (Prairies)
204 926-8624