Fraud in Canada has, sadly, reached a new peak.
In 2022, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) received fraud and cybercrime reports totaling a staggering $530 million in victim losses – nearly a 40% increase from the unprecedented $380 million in losses in 2021. That’s why RCC has produced the following resource page for this March, Fraud Prevention Month.
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RCC Retail CyberSecure Webinars
This year, the Retail Council of Canada (RCC), with the generous support of Ontario government’s Ministry of the Solicitor General, is working with cybercrimes experts, retail IT experts, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have created the RCC Retail CyberSecure program.
This webinar series and collection of resources will help retailers protect their businesses but also their customers designed at limiting cyber crime and fraud.
Sign up for March 8, 2023’s webinar, Current Cyber Threat, and watch last month’s Cybersecurity Awareness Webinar free of charge.
Cybersecurity Awareness Webinar
WATCH NOW: Cybercrimes are on the rise and can affect the daily operations of retail store. Being Cybersecurity aware involves being mindful of cybersecurity in the day-to-day running of retail operations.
Current Cyber Threat Webinar
WATCH NOW: In this session, the latest from RCC’s Retail CyberSecure Progam, learn about the current cyber security threats that can disrupt your business operations and prevent you from both keeping your customers information safe and securing your stores.
Tricks of the trade: Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
For Fraud Prevention Month, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has prepared “Tricks of the trade: What’s in a fraudster’s toolbox? What’s in yours?” – an all-in-one page to demonstrate the various tools fraudsters use, including:
Presenting Sponsor
March 21, 2023 | The International Centre, Mississauga, Ont.
Coming this Fraud Prevention Month is RCC Retail Secure Conference, a full-day in-person conference on March 21, 2023, on modern fraud mitigation strategies, responding to data security breaches, de-escalating violence in stores, and future-proofing retail risk management strategies.
Here are three fraud-related sessions at Retail Secure you can take part in!
The Fight Against Fraud
The changing face of fraud in retail is challenging to keep up with changing consumer habits and the acceleration of online shopping. In this session fraud experts from Best Buy Canada and Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, come together to discuss the rise in ecommerce fraud, how to mitigate it, the tools for investigation and the next generation of protection.
The Counterfeit Problem in Retail
Lorne Lipkus, Founding Partner at Lipkus Law LLP, shares everything retailers need to know about fighting the proliferation of the illicit trade in counterfeit products including what programs there are to support retailers, the checks and balances available to dispel myths that might be holding your effective strategy back.
Responding to Active Cyber Security Incidents
Alexander Rau, Partner, Cyber Security and Response at KPMG shares an outlook on the attacker landscape in Canada, why this seems to be happening so frequently and best practices to respond in active situations.
Gift Card Fraud
Everyday, thousands of Canadians are victims of fraud. One type of frequently reported fraud that is especially concerning to Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and its retail members is gift card fraud. Whether it be through tampered cards or unscrupulous fraudsters trying to convince victims to pay with gift cards, we all need to become more aware of the prevailing tactics to help keep each other safe.
Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and its Loss Prevention Committee have teamed up with the Ontario Provincial Police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre to raise awareness and share resources to mitigate gift card fraud during Fraud Prevention Month this March. We’ve developed posters, display holder cards, stickers, and social media messages that we encourage you to use in your stores and share with your teams and networks. Working together is our best bet to stop this kind of theft before it can happen.