World Anti-Counterfeiting Resources - Retail Council of Canada
Product Safety

World Anti-Counterfeiting Resources

Counterfeits by the numbers

UL World Anti-Counterfeiting Week (November 16 – 20, 2020)

UL’s World Anti-Counterfeiting Week, Be Safe Buy Real TM , is an annual global campaign designed to raise awareness about the health and safety risks associated with counterfeit products. During the campaign week, digital assets such as social media posts, interviews, articles, infographics, and videos will be shared to provide valuable insight that can influence purchasing decisions. Sign up to receive a daily email broadcast during the campaign Week.

UL Anti-Counterfeiting Virtual Symposium (November 18, 2020)

During this year’s second, annual Be Safe Buy Real TM Campaign, we are hosting the UL Anti-Counterfeiting Virtual Research Symposium on November 18, 2020. This symposium will feature researchers and leaders of anti-counterfeiting initiatives discussing the health and safety effects of counterfeiting. For more information about the UL Anti-Counterfeiting Virtual Symposium, please visit


BE SAFE BUY REAL is an annual global campaign that supports World Anti-Counterfeiting Week.  As part of the overall campaign, UL has provided assets retailers can share to educate consumers about the risks of counterfeit products.

For more information visit