Manitoba updates to Accessibility Standards, Canada Day rules and minimum wage - Retail Council of Canada

Manitoba updates to Accessibility Standards, Canada Day rules and minimum wage

The Manitoba government has made three announcements recently that are relevant to retailers operating in the province.

Manitoba Accessibility Standards Improvement:

The Manitoba government has released an independent review of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act that guides the development of accessibility standards in the province, including the customer service standard that came into effect on November 1, 2018.

RCC has been extensively involved in the consultations, and was noted by the Minister of Families in her decision to make the following three amendments to the current and future accessibility requirements:

  • Raising the small business exemption threshold definition small from under 20 to under 50 employees, who will no longer be required to document accessibility measures, policies and practices – consistent with Ontario;
  • Enhancing efforts to increase awareness about the legislation before introducing a compliance framework; and
  • providing practical, user-friendly tools to help with implementation of accessibility standards.

Canada Day “Sunday” Rules:

As part of an eclectic set of amendments to a number of existing bills, the government hast followed through on its commitment to RCC to address language within the Retail Businesses Holiday Closing Act that defied common sense when Canada Day fell on a Sunday.

Previously when July 1 fell on a Sunday, Canada Day rules moved to Monday, July 2, and required most stores to be closed. However, July 1 could be treated as a normal business day, including no extra pay requirements.

As RCC has been advocating for years, an amendment is being made that will strike out “Canada Day” and substitute in “July 1”.  Members have some time to adjust, as the next time July 1 falls on a Sunday will be 2029.

Predictable Minimum Wage Increase

Manitoba’s minimum wage will increase by 30 cents on October 1, 2019 as determined by the predictable model of Manitoba’s Consumer Price Index for 2018 that rose 2.5%.

As of October 1, the new minimum wage will increase to $11.65.  RCC supports the predictability and fairness of linking increases to provincial inflation rate.

Next Steps:

RCC will continue to work with the Manitoba government on a broad range of files that help improve our members ability to operate in the province.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact: John Graham, Director, Government Relations (Prairie Region) at 204-926-8624 or