Ontario Energy Board progress on alternative pricing model for retail stores and restaurants - Retail Council of Canada
Finance & Taxation | Ontario | Store Operations

Ontario Energy Board progress on alternative pricing model for retail stores and restaurants

August 30, 2022

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) continues to progress towards launching a pilot initiative for energy pricing plans later this year which will focus on the rates for retail and restaurant stores, as well as businesses with similar levels of power consumption (formally termed Class B, non-Regulated Pricing Plan). The most recent development is the conclusion of a conversation with the OEB which will lead to the development of a ‘roadmap’ for pilot proposals.

The OEB has shared with RCC that it hopes the roadmap is very hands-off, giving would-be applicants flexibility to propose pricing plan formulas. This means that the big moment to shape future pricing plan proposals will be with pilot applicants.

RCC has been having conversations with local distribution companies, with an eye to providing members several pricing plan options to review prior to the launch of the pilot. If you are interested in getting more involved the Class B, non-RPP rate class pilot, please email Sebastian Prins at sprins@retailcouncil.org.

For more information, please contact:

Sebastian Prins
Director, Government Relations (Ontario)
416 467-3759