Timing for Ontario vaccination rollout announced
January 14, 2021Phase One of the vaccination implementation program in Ontario includes residents, staff and essential caregivers of long-term care homes. This is already underway in many parts of the province. The vaccination of all staff and residents in long-term care homes in four areas with the highest rates of transmission – Toronto, Peel, York and Windsor Essex – is expected to be completed by January 21, 2021 with the goal of having the first dose (of two doses) administered in all homes no later than February 15, 2021.
Phase Two, starting after Phase One, includes three groups of people.
- Older adults, beginning with those 80 years of age and older and decreasing in five-year increments over the course of the vaccine rollout;
- Individuals living and working in high-risk congregate settings;
- Frontline essential workers (e.g., first responders, teachers, food processing industry); and
- Individuals with high-risk chronic conditions and their caregivers.
With an anticipated completion date of July 2021, it is RCC’s understanding that the definition of essential workers likely includes some frontline retail staff. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
The final phase, Phase Three, is for the general population. That is expected to begin as early as August 2021, pending availability of vaccines.