RCC advocacy on B.C. Paid Sick Leave provisions - Retail Council of Canada
British Columbia | Health & Safety

RCC advocacy on B.C. Paid Sick Leave provisions

January 25, 2022

Many members have drawn RCC’s attention to a definition of ‘employment year’ on the B.C. Employment Standards Branch’s website that would require tracking of a different employment year for each individual employee (from the date of their original hire). Many businesses use a common calendar, fiscal, or other 12-month period to define employment year for their employees. Some payroll software, particularly in use in small businesses, is incompatible with the current definition on the B.C. web site. RCC notes that the website definition is not within the Employment Standards Act or Regulation.

RCC and other business associations are asking the B.C. Government to amend the Employment Standards Regulation to provide a definition consistent with other parts of the Act to improve both operational issues and transparency issues that result from the current definition.

For questions or more information contact

Avery Bruenjes
Senior Manager, Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs