Ontario extends stay-at-home order until June 2, 2021 - Retail Council of Canada
Coronavirus | Ontario

Ontario extends stay-at-home order until June 2, 2021

May 13, 2021
Stay At Home order concept during the Coronavirus pandemic. Text with drop shadow, see alternate version without.

This means that all public health and workplace safety measures under the province-wide emergency shutdown will remain in effect. For retail, this specifically means the continued closure of retail termed ‘non-essential’ and continued roping off of products deemed non-essential in big box and discount stores selling grocery.

See the provincial news release for more information.

RCC continues to advocate for a return to the colour code framework, which would see all retailers reopened at a reduced capacity. We know that this strikes an important balance between the public and economic health – one that is supported by both data and science. In the lead up to this announcement, RCC has been very active in advancing the industry`s position that a regional approach should be considered which would allow the safe reopening of retail in areas of the province with lower case counts. We will continue to advocate for reopening in the days and weeks to come. In addition, RCC is calling on government for a clear and transparent target for reopening retail – the lack of clarity around extended closures adds too much uncertainty for business.

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez communiquer avec :

Sebastian Prins
Directeur, Relations gouvernementales (Ontario)
416 467-3759