Sector guidance protocols issued but key questions remain unanswered for retailers in Ontario - Retail Council of Canada
Coronavirus | Ontario | Store Operations

Sector guidance protocols issued but key questions remain unanswered for retailers in Ontario

April 30, 2020

Ontario formally announced a series of sector-specific COVID-19 mitigation guidance protocols and posters.  However, many of prevailing questions retailers are asking, such as how are returns to be handled, what are the best practices for maintaining safe environments in sitting rooms, remain unanswered. RCC is continuing to push for clarity on retailers’ most frequently asked concerns as non-essential retailers plan their reopening strategies. 

These government guidance protocols by job function as well as a summary of sector-specific resources available , while not all encompassing, are a helpful starting point for members

There is high-level guidance is available by job function:

In addition, the following high-level guidance is available on a sector-wide basis: