National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday delayed - Retail Council of Canada
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National Day for Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday delayed

September 7, 2022

While the Government of Manitoba previously indicated that it hoped a statutory day in recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation could be in place by September 30, 2022, its been determined that there isn’t enough time to properly introduce legislation, proclaim it, and provide adequate notice with the house returning September 28, 2022. RCC has been advised that the Government plans to take the extra time and consult on their plans, with the intent to introduce legislation for the day during the Spring 2023 legislative session.

Members looking for best practices on the upcoming National Day of Truth and Reconciliation are encouraged to read RCC’s guide which gives provincial and territorial updates.

For questions or more information contact

John Graham
Director, Government Relations (Prairies)
204 926-8624