Funding available for accessibility
June 15, 2020Projects that improve the accessibility and safety of persons with disabilities in facilities where they work or could work in the future are a priority for this year’s Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) Call for Proposals.
Retailers could receive a grant of up to $100,000 through the Government of Canada’s EAF to improve the accessibility of your workplace. Workplace project applications must aim at removing barriers and increasing accessibility and/or safety in facilities where persons with disabilities work or could work in the future. Applications are being accepted until July 13, 2020.
Examples of eligible workplace projects include:
- installing automated power doors;
- constructing a universally designed office;
- adding voice-activated software; and,
- retrofitting washrooms to make them accessible.
In this funding opportunity, the Government of Canada will provide 100 percent of eligible project costs, up to a maximum of $100, 000, to successful project applicants. Also new to this funding opportunity is flat rate costing to make it easier for those applicants that apply for funding for ramps, accessible doors and accessible washrooms.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the current funding process is offering more flexibility where organizations that apply for funding under the small projects component will have more time to complete their projects (up to 24 months). The Department will also assess those applications that fall under flat rate costing on a first come, first served basis in order to expedite funding to successful projects.
If you would like to apply for funding or learn more about EAF funding opportunities underway, please visit the EAF funding webpage and see the EAF flowchart for help choosing the right accessibility project.