Labour minister to table bill limiting youth work in Quebec - Retail Council of Canada
Human Resources | Quebec | Store Operations

Labour minister to table bill limiting youth work in Quebec

December 13, 2022

A recent media report suggests Quebec’s labour minister will table a bill in 2023 that will aim to place limitations on youth in the workplace.

Minister Jean Boulet said to The Canadian Press that he plans to table the bill as early as February 2023 after receiving a report from the Comité consultatif du travail et de la main-d’œuvre (CCTM), a grouping of unions and employer associations.

The CCTM’s recommends that the general age of admission to employment be set at 14 years old, with youth aged 13 or younger no longer being able to work, except for exceptions that would be provided for by regulation. The CCTM also recommends that youth between the ages of 14 and 16 be prohibited from working more than 17 hours per week, including weekends, during the school year. Work from Monday to Friday would be set to a maximum of 10 hours.

RCC/CCCD will update members when the bill moves forward in the National Assembly in 2023.

For questions or more information contact

Apraham Niziblian
Director, Government Relations and Public Affairs (Quebec)