Alberta provincial retail labour study launched - Retail Council of Canada
Advocacy | Alberta | Human Resources

Alberta provincial retail labour study launched

March 29, 2022

On Friday, March, 25, 2022, a six-month RCC research project kicked off that is designed to provide greater insight into labour market trends, including challenges related to recruitment and retention. The research is being conducted in partnership with the Government of Alberta and University of Alberta School of Business, and is being made possible through an Alberta Workforce Partnerships Grant. The work is being guided on behalf of the industry by a representative group of senior Human Resource retail leaders.

RCC anticipates seeking member participation for this study later this Spring. The project’s final report, that will outline a series of recommendations and best practices, is expected to be available early Fall, 2022.

For questions or more information contact

John Graham
Director, Government Relations (Prairies)
204 926-8624