B.C. introduces public interest bonding discussion paper for industrial development sites - Retail Council of Canada
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B.C. introduces public interest bonding discussion paper for industrial development sites

April 19, 2022

British Columbia has released a discussion paper Public Interest Bonding Strategy for large development projects. The stated intent is to ensure the ‘polluter pays’ principle is protected. The strategy will focus on projects with the highest environmental and financial risk first. The discussion paper’s focus is on industrial rather than commercial projects.

RCC notes that members with manufacturing or processing facilities may want to monitor developments, webinars, and stakeholder engagement sessions will be held from April 13, 2022 to May 28, 2022 and written feedback will be accepted to Better.Bonding@gov.bc.ca until May 28, 2022.

For questions or more information contact

Avery Bruenjes
Director, Regulatory Affairs