Ontario Malls outside of GTHA, Niagara and Windsor allowed to reopen
June 8, 2020UPDATE: More areas, services and malls opening in Ontario
Today the province announced, effective Friday June 12, 2020, a regional approach to entering into Stage 2, easing restrictions in communities where it is safe to do so. In addition, the limit on social gatherings will increase from five to 10 people, regardless of whether a region has moved to Stage 2. Businesses and services permitted to reopen with proper health and safety measures in place in regions entering Stage 2 include shopping malls outside of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), Niagara and Windsor, outdoor dine-in services at restaurants, bars and other establishments; and, tattoo parlours, barber shops, hair salons and beauty salons.
RCC remains disappointed that malls within the above regions remain closed (see our CEO Statement), and will continue to push for a target date for all regional reopenings. Although unverified at this time, the Toronto Star is reporting that the government is aiming for June 19, 2020, pending of course that the Ontario Chief Medical Office of Health is in agreement. RCC will provide an update on this revealed date in the coming days.
For any additional questions, please email Sebastian Prins, Director, Government Relations Ontario at sprins@retailcouncil.org.